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Hatshepsut Temple


Hatshepsut is one of the most famous pharaohs in ancient Egypt. She was a ruler at the beginning of the sixteenth century BC for a period of 22 years, and she is the first woman to rule ancient Egypt over a long period. Hatshepsut built a magnificent temple in Wadi Deir el-Bahri near Luxor, a huge temple consisting of several parts. The temple had an open-air theatre, a temple of the Sphinx as well as administrative wings and two other temples dedicated to her ancestors and the mountain deities.



The images of Hatshepsut in the temple are distinguished by her strong femininity and great achievements, and this indicates the important role she played in early Egyptian history. The Temple of Hatshepsut is one of the most important temples in ancient Egypt and still attracts visitors from all over the world. The history of the temple The Temple of Hatshepsut is a stunning site carved into limestone rocks in Wadi Deir el-Bahri. It was designed by the engineer Senmut, who is also believed to have been a lover of Hatshepsut. The temple was built between the seventh and twenty-first years of her reign. The columns are very diverse and stand out are those that bear a hall dedicated to the goddess Hathor. On the second balcony is the chapel of Anubis, decorated with beautiful paintings that still retain their original colours. The shrine is a small environment that leads to two small rooms dedicated to religious offerings and tools, where portraits of Queen Hatshepsut and Thutmose III are prominent. Hatshepsut's temple was very important, but after her death, her brother ordered everything related to it to be destroyed. The temple also turned into a monastery at some points in its history and was decorated with animals and plants on the balconies. Temple entry times The Temple of Hatshepsut is open daily from 6 am to 5 pm, and the visit takes about one hour. It is recommended to visit in the early hours of the morning or in the late afternoon hours due to the intense heat, but this depends on how you schedule the other visits included in the tour you choose. The best option to visit this site is to visit it with a tour guide. And you should take into account that a lot of stairs have to be climbed to visit, so people with limited mobility, physical disabilities or mobility issues will find access difficult.

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  • Categories Temples
  • Location Luxor
  • Currency Dollar

Hatshepsut Temple





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